Sub-budaya Muzik Rock Bawah Tanah di Kalangan Remaja Bandar (Underground Rock Music Sub-Culture Amongst Youth in the City)

ROKIAH ISMAIL (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


The involvement of youths in underground rock music is not an entirely new phenomenon. The music with its attendant subcultural elements has to an extent provided a variety to the existing world music, and it has also somehow assumed a function as a survival strategy for the youths in undergoing their experiences of everyday life in the society at large. In this article, the research focuses on the interest and participation of forty male Malay youths around Kuala Lumpur in underground rock music. The data gathered was based on the purposive sampling method and snowball technique. The research attempts to examine the nature of the youths’ involvement in the underground rock music and its relationship to their particular urban lifestyle. Using the conceptual framework of the subcultural elements and collective sentiments of the underground rock group, the research concentrates on the general pattern of the youths’ involvement in the underground rock music, the impact of the development of information technology and the media in facilitating their keen interest in the music, the social relationship of the youths with their peer group, and issues frequently associated with their specific lifestyle such as status, identity, freedom and power. Attempts were made to examine the relationship between the youths’ participation in the underground rock music as a lifestyle and human development. The findings show that the specific values shared among the youths are very much related to their own ‘aware- ness’ of the need and importance for human development to take into serious consideration not only its economic or material criterion, but also its other non-economic indicators of development. This is to ensure that justice and well-being are equally accorded to the youths as a social group in the society. The research shows that generally the behaviour of the youths involved in the underground rock music has its specific direct and indirect impact on their development including its psychological, social, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects.


Penglibatan golongan remaja dalam muzik rock bawah tanah bukanlah merupakan sesuatu yang baru. Muzik rock bawah tanah dan budayanya yang khusus memainkan peranan tertentu bukan sahaja dari segi mempelbagaikan muzik dunia, bahkan ia juga menawarkan satu strategi kelangsungan bagi sesetengah golongan remaja dalam menjalani kehidupan harian dalam masyarakat. Dalam artikel ini, permasalahan kajian tertumpu kepada minat empat puluh orang remaja lelaki Melayu di sekitar bandar Kuala Lumpur terhadap muzik rock bawah tanah. Metod persampelan bertujuan dan kaedah snowball telah digunakan dalam usaha mengumpul data primer. Tujuan kajian terfokus kepada menilai amalan muzik rock bawah tanah dan hubungannya dengan gaya hidup remaja bandar. Antara beberapa hal yang ditinjau termasuk pola amalan muzik tersebut, impak perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan media, hubungan sosial remaja terutama dengan kelompok sebaya, dan beberapa isu yang sering dikaitkan dengan gaya hidup remaja seperti status, identiti, kebebasan dan kuasa. Semuanya ini cuba dikupas untuk melihat perkaitan antara persoalan amalan muzik rock bawah tanah sebagai satu gaya hidup remaja dan pembangunan manusia. Analisis kajian menggunakan kerangka konseptual yang menekankan kepada unsur-unsur sub-budaya remaja dan sentimen-sentimen kolektif remaja muzik rock bawah tanah. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa nilai-nilai yang dikongsi remaja mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan ‘kesedaran’ tentang betapa pentingnya ukuran-ukuran lain selain ekonomi atau material bagi pembangunan manusia dalam memastikan wujudnya keadilan serta kesejahteraan bagi remaja sebagai satu kelompok sosial dalam masyarakat. Umumnya, tingkah laku remaja muzik rock bawah tanah mempunyai kesan yang nyata dan tidak nyata terhadap pembangunan remaja dari berbagai-bagai segi termasuk psikologikal, sosial, mental, spiritual dan emosi.

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