Effectiveness of English Language E-learning among Tertiary Education Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Khairul Faiz Alimi, Abdul Halim Ayob, Abdurraouf Ramesh Abdullah, Fazal Mohamed Mohamed Sultan, Gunasegaran Karuppannan


The unprecedented global pandemic Covid-19 has changed our lives. The pandemic has also impacted the education sector. The significant change of educational methods from face-to-face learning to e-learning has undoubtedly resulted in a significant impact on the perceptions and effectiveness of e-learning among English language learners. This research is to ascertain the perceptions and effectiveness of learning English via e-learning through online surveys involving 337 students from a public university in Malaysia. The result on perceptions indicates that flexibility, freedom and interactivity are the reasons why students have positive inclinations towards e-learning, whilst less interaction with teachers, technical problems, and lack of conducive learning experience are the negative perceptions indicated by respondents. The result on the effectiveness of learning English via e-learning shows those students responded positively in learning writing, reading, listening and speaking. Generally, students were both impartial, and enjoyed e-learning. It is hoped that this research would broaden and widen the spectrum of e-learning among students during the pandemic.


Keywords: English language learners; perception; effectiveness; e-learning; Covid-19

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/3L-2021-2704-05


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